Sunday, December 27, 2009

27 December 2nd day on the road

I am always the reluctant travel who is at the same time a total travel junkie. I am the one who loves sitting by his fireside in rural vermont watching snow and plotting revolutions. Though i am content in spirit to write at Blue Heron Pond, my sou is starving for the open road, new languages, new faces, I am dreadfully bored by the narrow aesthetic and the pablum served for Art.

Today I'm in Amman Jordan and meeting folks from the Gaza March. Thousands of folks will converge on the boarder of Gaza and Israel, thousands of folks from around the world asking that Palestinians have some basic human rights. Right now, the 1.5 Gaza people in a state of lockdown. Like an prison around the world. They cannot visit the West Best for work or congress, no work or food supplies come in. Kind of like the Ghettos of Warsaw. For years Ive been writing about Palestine, the pain of Palestine, and now... tasting it and seeing the suffering here in a way that I did somewhat remoetly.

We can all feel the pain of our brothers and sistens worldwide. The oppression of our muslim brothers and sisters, the opression in Egypt: the small fascist state of Israel with its wonderful political freedoms for white jews, but a gradual diminishment if you're a brown jew or god forbid ... a Muslim Israeli. It makes the apartheid system seem somehow rationale. Yet, the US gives 3 to 4 billion dollars a year to enable the occupation of all the people of Palestine. And of course the various other jewish charities and russian mafia that keeps this state afloat. Is this state really held afloat by the Russian gangsters, who may be jew in name, but makes his living as a gangster, or is Israel the gangsert state, stealing land and giving it to the settlers.

Why not find the setters a nice apartment in Tel Aviv or Haifa? Why take over a Palestinians home and move in an Israeli family? How would you, Western reader, to have a family that never lived there, suddenly moved in by the fiat of the state? Or, that you had been kicked out of the area for 2,ooo years, without title or papers, without even a clear idea of a village, and decided it was time to take over again.

If Israeli truly wants freedom...end the occupation of Gaza, end the occupation of Palestine, give Golan back, resettle Lebanese Palestinians in Golan, and make Jerusalem an international city for Jews, Muslim, and Christian. But I don;think that is the case.
Or I should refer to it as Al Quds ... the Land in Arabic... where the prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven.

But Israel is interested in maintaining the illusion of the victim. Playing on the anti semite card. "Oh, you don't agree with us? You must be an antisemite?" The vulgar truth of racism is the trump card here. Zionism, that proclaims all of the Palestinians areas as rightfully Jewish, is a racist proposition.

For example, Birmingham Ala in the early l950s Blacks were relegated to the back of the bus, not allowed to vote, had to step off the sidewalk when a white person walked by, or god help the young black man who smiled at a pretty white girl. The same exact racism pervades.

The racism after Crystallnacht that took away German Jews businesess, expelled them from the universities, the same barbarity that lead to the Holocaust, is being played out every day in the West Bank.

There are no Palestinians taking over Israeli homes. There is no massive imprisonments of Israelis by Palstinians. There is no destruction of Israeli culture.

Yes, the rockets of Gaza fired on to Israel, against the 4th largest Army in the world is a situation that should be pitied. FIghting Goliath with stones.

This writing does not serve Jew, Muslim, Christian, or any religion well. Religion is the refuge for the spiritually lazy cowards. Hiding behind theology, nostroms, prayers, and history versus standing naked -- physicially, emotionally, and yes spiritiaully... confronting god...declaring your own spirit and faith. Yes, I Namaya, worship trees and life, I worship the spirit of all life that sustains this planet. I pray in any church or meadow where the fundamental rights and dignity of each person can be preserved and nurtured. I want not part of a faith that denies the dignity, joy, and revelation of each person. I abhor war and hatred to mend and heal human differences. It is wrong to kill. Wrong to kill animals, and humans. It is wrong to harm or hit another person. It is a philosophy that brings me back to my Zen roots.

Zen such a profound part of my spirit, I rarely talk about it. MY ZEN, MY ZEN, with all of my hubris, ignorance, about LOVE. This is paradise. This place some of us call HELL is paradise. My zen spirit is alivened by the possibilities of what it is to be human. To have the capacity to love. The capacity to be FULLY HUMAN. Alive in the world. Compassionate and filled with reverence for each living creature. Filled with care in how we treat and treasure the earth.

Today in Amman, I worship the moon. Moon light three quarters full, though seen for millions of years, from the most barbaric neanderthal who also would sit in wonder...

Moon over Jordan

brown city with scarcely
a grain of green or serenity.

Two thirds moon hangs over
the city.

Moon is pregnant with possibility

Moon marks the same spot in Gaza

Where the future and each day,
grows bleaker

There is no pretty poem for

It is a moon painted red

Getting my bearings, brushing off the rusty arabic, getting ready for the trip into Westbank and Gaza.

Moreover, making my self ready to make the transition to living in Israel, As a jew by culture every fiber of my being is repulsed by the occuption and I know that given half a chance the Palestinians would have driven them to the sea. But now, in 2010 the SS component of the Israeli army is in a new process of Genocide. Not the obvious killings, but the genocide that destroys a culture and future. Life is so miserable that Pakestinian Arabs have to leave. This is the policy of genocide.

As a jew, a student of Jewish history and the diaspora, all the sins and evil of the occupiers in aeons past has now burned into the soul of Israel. Israel committed to a new collective genocide of jews. This kind of barbaric, hateful treatment by a government, sancitioned by the US, virtually ignored by the world, and suffered by Israelis will eventually be destroyed. As one visits evil on their perceived enemies, the blowback will be profound.

Wanting to meet some extended family in Israeli. There is a revulvsion to the Zionists who believe that this whole area from the Mediterannan to The Jordan north to Lebannon and down through Gaza was their empire. Hardly, Jews have had a very tenuous hold on the land, thrived, and then displaces. The same as hundreds of other cultures. Yet, remarkably Hebrews we have seemed to hold on to an identity through this exile.

Simply my sould screams this is not just. Faults, hatred from Muslims as well, atrocities in the past, but the jews are redefining barbarity and hatred. I, a jew by culture, a jew who values our history and culture, yet is repulsed by the barbarity of Zionism. An SS should be painting on each Mogen David. We have learned well from the Nazis. It is not enough to destroy the enemy, you must first break their spirit, you must break their will to live\\

Writing the pain at 3 in the morning. Half asleep, inspired by the moon. Trying to find the humanness in all this. Zoe and I have started in our tiny first steps. Meeting people, talking, and listening. Half English. Half arabic when I can. Good to be back in an Arabic speaking country, though I could have gone to Paterson.

Good to connect with Zoe. Enjoying our traveling time together, Great traveling buddy. I am a bit concerned, difficult for me to make schedules and appointments.

Tomorrow, the mooon rises, and the possibilities of tomorrow shed a bright light on us.

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