Friday, April 23, 2010

Rice and Beans

Friday at Ruben's farm on the mountains overlooking the fields of Santiago. Meals are some 9 to 12 people, family, workers who are building the new chicken coops. Neighbors stopping by, big plate of rice, beans, and some vegetables. Eating always commences with grace. As we sit out under the "dining room" a big tin and palm leafed open patio. Laughter, chatter in Spanish and English, mostly Spanish. Last night sitting in the living room playing guitar, listening to Naomi and her funny stories. My niece Grace is getting on rather nicely, a too tempting target for mosquitoes as she is is covered in bites, but otherwise she is enjoying herself.

This morning spending time with Ruben teaching him guitar, talking about his plans, and seeing how we can help. Z and I helping to shape his vision, offering feedback. He is a man with the the kindness of a saint, and sometimes that works against him. But most times he does very well. There is so much need in this area. THis morning we went to La Lomita and one of the villages there. There was laughter and children playing, but there were children everywhere, as if the main produce of DR is making babies. This 4% population growth is overwhelming any ability for the country to escape the on-going poverty; unless they make their way to the US, Miami or New York. But uneducated and poor, the only jobs that are available are the brute labor jobs or the most unskilled. In this poorest of area, with no work, and children flooded everywhere. This kind of poverty feels overwhelming. Yet, we had put in a well with electricity that is providing clean drinking water. Another project with Grace Cares provides a new covered community space. But the lack of work, high population growth, and generations of poverty create a desperate poverty of spirit. A few escape to the US and come back, but most flee this verdant prison of paradise.

Our interaction and conversation with Ruben is looking at how do we help to create some kind of sustainable economic activity. We had been researching Rocket Stoves a very simple home made design for stove efficiency. Some years ago I had worked a lot with Appropriate Technology and liked the very simple technology like this. Rocket Stove plans are on the way.
Other suggestions on the table are the chicken and egg project. But as we are vegetarians we will support the egg production but not raising chickens to be eat.
Other projects like growing specialty crops -- perhaps saffron, herbs,and so forth. But these are lengthier conversations

Though I have been a vegetarian for some thirty give years plus I didn't like to impose this perspective on others; however, this is one of my core values, the respect for all life, the belief that all life has Buddha nature, and life is sacred. When we approach life with this perspective that life is sacred, we in turn bring this awareness to all dimensions of our life. The environment, the waters, and this entire world we live in needs to be interacted with as sacred. Not something to be exploited, killed or ravaged. Life is sacred. Our interactions with each other should be filled with love and care. A very simple prescription.

In approaching this work with Ruben, and seeing his sense of care and responsibility in his community is inspiring. He approaches all he meets with great care and kindness. It is wonderful connecting with him again, my brother Domicano. This morning we had a couple of hours to talk, play guitar, and talk about art and politics.

Today looking at a few more community projects

1 comment:

Julie Goldberg said...

So glad to hear that Grace is doing well! Thank you for taking her on the adventure of a lifetime!