Saturday, September 22, 2007



Blue Heron Pond –

sacred body of water

which has taught me more

of reverence than any church,

wiser in its quiet wisdom,

than any holy book or tome.

Care well.

It seems to say.

Care well.

Swimming in the freezing

waters, ice cold springs

surprise and awaken me!

Finches, darts of yellow,

race across the fields.

Blue jay’s screech warns!

Care well!

He seems to say.

Care well!

Frogs’ night chorus more

joyous and godly than any

Bach chorale. Tulips divine

the intersect of mystery,

revelation from the earth

and desire for the sun.

Blue Heron, sage of

this pond who nests high

in the hemlocks,

is patiently biding her time.

Care well!

She seems to say.

Care well!

In time we will all leave

this mortal sacred space,

but I will not grieve this end.

I will grieve if we have

not loved this earth with

sublime tenderness,

reverenced the waters as

dearly as our gods, cherished

the wisdom of a flower,

and held the divinity of

each living creature as a

mirror of god’s love.

As god spun the planet

earth on her course and

brought it to life,

she set it free with this

single blessing:

Care well.

namaya 2007

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